
As a higher education institution that has signed the Erasmus+ Charter, Sciences Po Lyon is committed to principles of quality and transparency for the international mobility of students and staff, as well as for cooperation projects.

Thanks to this programme, several types of mobility are offered to our community. Access to the programme is initially open to all students from Sciences Po Lyon and from one of our 86 Erasmus + partner universities. Every year we exchange around a hundred students between partners. Students with disabilities (incoming and outgoing) are warmly invited to take part in the programme, especially as they can benefit from a specific Erasmus + grant.

This programme also supports teaching mobility and the implementation of a training plan for Sciences Po Lyon administrative staff. In addition, the hosting of lecturers as part of the Erasmus + programme makes it possible to internationalise the range of courses offered at Sciences Po Lyon by teaching in foreign languages on the research themes of European lecturers.

Finally, teaching mobility is also open to staff from a foreign company invited by a French institution for teaching assignments, lasting from 2 days (minimum 8 hours of teaching) to 2 months. An example: the HR director of a European company comes to give a course on human resources management at a French higher education establishment.

You can download Sciences Po Lyon’s Erasmus+ strategy statement and the summary of all the programme’s components below.

The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)
at Sciences Po Lyon

The ECTS – European Credit Transfer System – is a methodology that makes it easier to understand educational pathways between different institutions and education systems. It is based on 5 basic elements: ECTS credits, the information pack, the study contract, the transcript of records and academic recognition.

An academic year is worth 60 ECTS credits and a semester is worth 30 ECTS credits. The ECTS credits express the workload required of the student to achieve the course objectives, which are defined in terms of the knowledge and skills to be acquired.

The study contract includes the list of courses to be taken. It is signed by the student and the two institutions concerned before the student leaves. It must be updated if a course is changed after arrival at the host institution.

The transcript of records: ECTS credits will be awarded on the basis of passing the examinations in the partner institution’s system. Exchange students follow the same courses and are assessed in the same way as other local students.

Scoring table at Sciences Po Lyon :

ECTS grade
IEP grade
16 et +
EXCELLENT – remarkable result, with only a few shortcomings
VERY GOOD – above-average result, despite a number of shortcomings
GOOD – generally good work, despite a number of notable shortcomings
SATISFACTORY – honest work, with significant shortcomings
PASSABLE – the result satisfying the minimum criteria
9,9 – 0
INSUFFICIENT – additional work is required before a loan can be granted

Specific information on staff mobility

Sciences Po Lyon is fully involved in the Erasmus + programme, which supports teaching and administrative mobility. We therefore actively encourage our staff to take part.

Teaching assignments are open to all Sciences Po Lyon teaching staff. These assignments last from 2 days (minimum 8 hours of teaching per week) to 2 months and are based on a bilateral agreement between Sciences Po Lyon and the host institution.

There are several objectives: to teach courses that are part of the official programme of the partner institution, to enable students who do not benefit from European mobility to benefit, in their own institution, from the teaching and expertise of a lecturer from another European country and, finally, to strengthen links between higher education institutions.

How can you get involved?

Teachers at Sciences Po Lyon: the International Relations Department sends out two calls for applications per year by email. You will find all the information on the intranet.

Teachers from partner universities: the International Relations Department sends out the call for applications by email.

Training mobility for Sciences Po Lyon staff

This mobility scheme is open to all Sciences Po Lyon staff (teaching, administrative and technical staff, etc.). It enables them to spend between 2 days and 2 months in a training institution, company or organisation in another Erasmus+ country.

Financed by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Erasmus+ France / Education Formation Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


International Relations

Building D / Office 0.13

Emmanuelle BOGRAT
Administrative Head
Building D / Office 0.11
+33 (0)4 37 28 38 07