'Tranformations de l'action publique'chair

Supported by the Sciences Po Lyon Fondation and inaugurated in January 2020, the ‘Transformations de l’action publique’ Chair will examine and explore innovative transformations in public action, providing those involved with applied research to fuel scientific and public debate.

Conceived as a forum for knowledge production, sharing and debate, the Chair aims to address two major issues:

  • Why are changes to public action desirable and possible, at a time when it is being called into question by unprecedented challenges?
  • How can we create the conditions to support these transformations and make them a success?

The Chair produces and disseminates its knowledge in conjunction with the regional public and private ecosystem, French and European public innovation laboratories, and interdisciplinary research into public administration and public action (universities, schools, CNRS laboratories, etc.).

The Chair is currently supported by the Délégation Interministérielle de la Transformation de l’Action Publique (DITP), the Compagnie Nationale du Rhône (CNR), the SNCF TER General Management, MAZARS and the skills sponsorship of the public interest design agency VraimentVraiment. It is also mobilising a large community of scientists and practitioners.

The Chair is open to anyone – citizens, students, researchers, etc. – who wants to help shape the public policy of the future through seminars, creative workshops and participatory conferences.


Martine HUYON
Head of Partnerships ‘Transformations in Public Action’ Chair
+33 (0)4 37 28 38 59 / +33 (0)7 77 89 17 03