Final DissertationPrize
Since 2018, Sciences Po Lyon has been awarding the Final Dissertation Prize, which recognises a 4th-year dissertation that is remarkable both for the quality of the research approach undertaken and for its original approach to a subject.
This award, presented under the aegis of the school’s Scientific Committee, aims to promote young researchers at Sciences Po Lyon and encourage students who are committed to this field. The Dissertation Prize is elected from a list of candidate dissertations that have attracted the attention of the dissertation juries because of their quality. Candidate dissertations are put forward by the dissertation directors and then submitted to a double reading by teachers appointed as rapporteurs.
Each year, the winning thesis is published by Libel editions, a partner in the scheme.
In addition, since 2018, a DUMAS collection has included all the dissertations submitted to the Dissertation Prize jury, subject to the jury’s agreement and the authors’ authorisation to distribute them on the internet. It reflects the diversity of the issues addressed during the Sciences Po Lyon curriculum, the quality of the thinking produced and the value of making these works available to the general public.
Other remarkable dissertations produced by 4th year students at Sciences Po Lyon are included in the DUMAS collections:
- TAO, travaux sur l’Asie orientale (Contemporary Oriental Asia Master’s theses, IAO/ ENS-Lyon/ Sciences Po Lyon)
- Gender studies (MSH Lyon-Saint-Etienne)
All dissertations defended at Sciences Po Lyon are listed in the university library catalogue, subject to authorisation from the authors.