A networkof institutes

Since its creation, Sciences Po Lyon has striven to develop a unique educational model whilst cultivating and creating several networks to give students as many local, national and international opportunities as possible.

That is why Sciences Po Lyon is a member of, among others, the Université de Lyon (UDL) and the Réseau ScPo.

For several decades the institute has also been developing a powerful network of around 170 partner universities in the world so as to be able to offer our students a wide range of mobility options.

Sciences Po Lyon at the heart of the Université de Lyon

Sciences Po Lyon has been one of the 12 associate members of the Université de Lyon (UDL) since its creation and, as such, actively participates in its governance.

The UDL is a world-class academic site of excellence located at the heart of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region in the Lyon Saint-Étienne basin.

Some key figures


Students, including 20,000 foreign student


Member institutes, 24 associate institutes


Research teaching staff


PhD dissertations defended each year


Technology transfer acceleration company

The Réseau ScPo

Sciences Po Lyon operates on a national dimension, notably thanks to its collaboration with other Sciences Po institutes (the Institute is linked to the National Political Science Foundation) and, in particular, with the Réseau ScPo (Sciences Po Aix-en-Provence, Lille, Lyon, Rennes, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Strasbourg and Toulouse).

This collaboration involves:

Find out more about the Réseau ScPo and the terms and conditions of the shared competitive entrance examination: view the leaflet and website.

Discover more


Sciences Po Lyon
14 avenue Berthelot
69365 Lyon Cedex 07

+33 4 37 28 38 00